The 5-6 Supplements you should have when traveling

supplements Jun 15, 2024

I get lots of questions about how to support your body while traveling. You've invested a lot of money to travel to these destinations. Getting bogged down with a drained body can put a significant...

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Unveiling Recovery: The Missing Key to Your Wellness

body recovery Feb 20, 2024

Recovery is one area that is frequently neglected in the quest for ideal health. Its importance, however, cannot be emphasized. Ignoring recovery not only impedes progress but also puts the body in...

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Is screen time stifling creativity?

Everyone has at least one mobile device, let's face it. Most likely, you're using a mobile device to read this. Additionally, if you are fortunate enough to have kids, they also own mobile devices....

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Common weight loss struggles and what to do about them

weight loss Jan 11, 2023

A New Year, A New You!

You made it through the holiday gauntlet and you start to notice that the pants are feeling a little snug. You realize that wearing elastic pants won’t go over so well...

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A short discussion on Heart Rate Variability (aka HRV)

hrv stress Apr 27, 2022

I talk a lot about Heart Rate Variability (HRV) on my social media posts, especially when answering my weekly Q&As on Instagram. But then I get more questions about HRV. So I decided to do this...

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A natural approach to Alopecia

gut restore hair thyroid Apr 22, 2022

Whenever a patient presents with alopecia areata there are a few things that pop up in my brain:

STRESS overload/Inability to adapt 

Gut Disturbance/Microbiome Imbalance

Gall Bladder issues...

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Should you be using sunscreen when out in the sun?

sun sunscreen vitamin d Mar 03, 2022

Summertime means that more people are spending time outside under the sun. And by now, most people are accustomed to wearing “sunblock” when they head outdoors.

The main reason people...

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Transform your body in 28 days!

Uncategorized Dec 16, 2021

Get your Transformation Kit here

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Before you start trying to "lose weight" do THIS

weight loss Dec 09, 2021

"Losing weight" is a goal for lots of people. But that’s the end result of many different factors that need to get addressed.

Unfortunately, people only focus on diet and exercise. It is the...

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