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Trusted Resources

These are the products we trust. We do earn a small affiliate commission from these products at no extra cost to you.

Blue Blocking Glasses

Light controls your biorhythms. We're getting too much "NOON" light at NIGHT, and our bodies aren't getting enough optimal sleep. These glasses give you the most bang for your buck! Check out their red night lights as well!

Use code: TRIPLEPLAYDOC for 15% off (comes out to about $30)


Water Filtration

It's essential to filter the water you drink, especially flouride and other contaminants. 

You get $100 off your order

Check out AquaTru

Air Filtration

It's also essential to filter the air you breathe. Our indoor air is very polluted, dust, mold and other volatile compounds

You get $300 off your order

Check out AirDoctor

Red Light Panels

These are the red light panels I recommend. They're low EMF & zero flicker! They have a small travel one for those on the go. 

Red Light Panel

Red Light Therapy

Decrease fine lines, wrinkles, increase collagen, heal wounds faster, increase circulation, boost mitochondrial function, decrease pain. Yeah we love Photobiomodulation

Sauna Space

Grounding Mats & Sheets

Just like your cell phone, your body needs to be recharged. You do that by reconnecting to the earth. It's sounds pretty crazy, but the science is there to support it. 



The Somavedic device is designed as a resonance system. It contains materials such as gemstones, metals and special electronic components that respond to certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

  • Affects electromagnetic field and transforms it
  • Increases air ionization
  • Creates life-supporting field through walls
Get Somavedic

Molecular Hydrogen

The best form of antioxidant. This should be a daily part of your regimen.

You get a 10% discount


Watch this video for a deeper explanation


Lumen - Metabolism Tracker

When your mitochondria use carbs as fuel, they release more CO₂ into your blood, and when they burn fat, they release less CO₂. Lumen analyzes the CO₂% in your breath and determines if you are using mostly fat or carbs for fuel based on the CO₂ concentration. 

Use this in conjunction with the MB GLP-1 System for best results!


Get your Lumen

Mind Body GLP-1 Weight Loss System

An activated duo that works together to optimize GLP-1 levels and reduce oxidative stress, giving you the perfect foundation to achieve your weight loss goals.

  • Naturally increases GLP-1 by 140% on averageΩ (MindBody GLP-1 System)
  • Supports sustainable weight loss and wellness for results you can see and feel. *‡ (MindBody GLP-1 System)
  • Quiets “food noise” to cut down cravings and reduce the desire to snack* (MindBody GLP-1 System)
  • Helps protect against oxidative stress* (Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer)
  • Supports the body's natural ability to repair and rejuvenate its own cells* (Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer)
  • Significantly reduces cellular stress through Nrf2 activation* (Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer)


Get MB GLP-1 System



This company has very unique formulations. I'm a big fan of MassZymes, KaPex, Microbiome Breakthrough...well they have a lot of great stuff! 

Order BiOptimizers

LVLUP Health

Using unique peptide combinations, this company has a bunch of products that's changing the game! 


Get Para1

Pique Tea

I love teas, but I don't like taking the time to brew them. Having these "tea packets" makes having tea a breeze! Plus they go through the process of making these super clean! Give them a try!




The most common household cleaning products are laden with endocrine disruptors. Basically, they're not good for you. Branch Basics creates CLEAN CLEANING products. And it's so simple to use. There's a concentrate that you can use to make all your household cleaning products. 

Get Cleaning Products


Mushrooms! These are a staple for me and my everyday protocol - especially for sleep (I love the REISHI blend). But there are so many blends that are amazing. Get some now! 

Get Your Shrooms

Vagus Nerve Support

Chronic stress will decrease your lifespan. I love this blend that helps to increase your vagal tone. 

Use Code: TRIPLEPLAY10 for 10% off

Get ParaSym Plus


Para1 to help get a deeper parasitic cleanse. (But I don't recommend doing this until you've gone through the Total Gut Restore Program)

Use Code: MKYTBDC8

Get Para1

Amazon Store

Here's a collection of things we've curated on Amazon that are conducive to health! From heart rate monitors to books we like you'll find it here. 

Go to the Store

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