An Integrative Approach to Alzheimer's Dementia & MS


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I've treated a lot of patients with neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis & Lou Gehrig's disease. They all have a common pattern despite displaying various symptoms. Almost all neuro-degenerative diseases can be traced to common causes. My research has shown that all these patients have the following in common which causes the manifestation of the disease process:

Latent parastic/viral/bacterial infection
Heavy metal toxicity (Mercury, Aluminum & Lead)
High amounts of inflammation
Pesticide/herbicide/insecticide overexposure
Decrease in cerebrovascular circulation
Nutrient deficiencies
Altered Sugar Metabolism
Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Heavy metals will help the parasites we're constantly being exposed to more and more heavy metals (mercury from coal, fish & medications...aluminum in soda cans, cookware & antiperspirants...lead in the food chain). With the parasites increasing in number the immune system will go on hyper-alert and the initial immune response is inflammation.  All disease processes are due to some type of toxicity, but it all depends upon where the toxins reside. So you may already be asking, "so what are you doing for these patients?"

Neuro Degeneration Protocol

Step 1: decrease toxin & infection load The initial portion of the treatment plan will include comprehensive detoxification to open up the channels of outflow.  We need to focus on decreasing the toxin load on the body.  This includes flushing the liver, colon, gallbladder & kidney.  

During this time I use an alkalizing supplement to buffer the acid residues. Also, specialized probiotic & liver support is used to help detox the liver & colon and re-establish balance in the colon flora.

Parasitic cleanse - black walnut husk, proteolytic enzymes
Virus - L-lysine
Bacteria - goldenseal

Removal of heavy metals using DMSA is essential for heavy metal chelation.

I would highly recommend doing some type of heavy metal toxicity screening. (But note that most heavy metal screens are inaccurate. You need to do a challenge test in order to stir up the heavy metals stored within the fatty tissues). Rebalance structural integrity to re-establish proper neurological communication.  If the brain can't tell the tissues & organs what to do or isn't receiving proper information on what the tissues & organs are doing, proper physiology cannot take place.  This is accomplished through Chiropractic spinal & extra-spinal manipulation.  To aid the adjustment I also use a Low-Level Laser.  The laser helps to speed up healing & increase neurological function.

Step 2: Repairing damaged tissue.  Most neurodegenerative diseases include the breakdown of neurons.  The most common way we see neurons break down is the outer sheath being degraded. Omega-3 fats are very useful in this area. Most of our diets consist of omega-6 consumption, which causes inflammation. Research shows that diets rich in omega-3s help to increase brain capacity even size! I recommend somewhere between 4000 - 9000 mg of omega-3s. Most people turn to fish oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil or even krill oil. I prefer you getting your omegas from food first and then utilizing supplementation for its intended purpose.

Step 3: Mind-body therapies...Neuro-emotional technique...more on this later. Guided imagery and also EFT works really well.  A lot of research points to the fact that stress can cause massive damage to nerve cells. Excess stress releases a hormone called cortisol, which when being secreted at high amounts for prolonged periods of time will cause degradation to neuronal tissue. Therefore mind-body therapies will help the body to re-establish the proper stress response. I like to use meditation as a daily stress relief. Many people have difficulty meditating, myself included, and can't seem to quiet their minds. I use an audio program called Holosync for this. It's pretty simple, you just play the audio program and put your headphones on and voila!

Step 4: Rebuild Mitochondria - all chronic health issues have an energy production problem. I focus a lot of time and attention to restoring (as best as possible) the function of the mitochondria. We accomplish this in a few different ways as there are many. Here's what I've found to be most effective: Use of Exogenous Ketones - The body (especially the brain) has 2 major fuel sources: Glucose & Ketone Bodies. Ketone bodies are the cleanest burning of the two. We utilize diet to lower the carbohydrate intake and thus lowering the insulin response while training the body to utilize ketones for energy. Use of Molecular Hydrogen - every neurodegenerative disease has a huge oxidative stress component (you're body's equivalent to rusting). We use molecular hydrogen to curb that oxidative stress. Use of PQQ & Ubiquinol - These two will help to increase the number of mitochondria, while also increasing its efficacy. You can set up an account with our nutritional dispensary and order PQQ & Ubiquinol


It's truly amazing what the human body can do when you give it the proper things that it needs. Now with that said, you do have to realize that even though you do all these things it doesn't necessarily mean that the body will go through recovery mode. It is highly dependent upon how much damage has been done to the tissues. Sometimes the best results you'll get is stopping the progression of deterioration. But even that in and of itself can be a win!

Here's a podcast episode I did on this very topic:

If you or a loved one is going through a neurodegenerative disease and would like to work with us to create a complementary/alternative treatment protocol

Book a 20 Min Complementary Consult here

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